Need a dose of furry cuteness today? We’ve got you covered! Meet just a few of the pets, barnyard critters and furry friends that make up the HighCraft family. If you overdose on “Awwww!” don’t say we didn’t warn you.
The Sailer kids with their barn kittens.
More Sailer family kids-kissing-kittens cuteness. GAH! So adorable.
Ginny with her best girl, Norwegian Elkhound Annie!Dean Read with his pony!Big sister Bella with her horse Oakie.Django Soth ready to roll.Sister cat has HighCraft estimator Sam Sala wrapped around her little paw.Little lop-eared puppy Chaco just joined the Sailer menagerie earlier this year.
Chaco checking out his new pal. Hey, Dwight … I think you need just a fewww more animals. Did we mention the horses yet?
Ok, ok. Last one of Chaco.
Morgan at Junior Rodeo! (Let’s see now, the Sailers have horses, pigs, cats, dogs … I know I’m missing something.)Hey, wait a minute! Who let these scruffy animals into the office?! When we said “Furry Family” we weren’t kidding. Here’s a shot from last year’s No Shave November. Enjoy their clean-shaven faces while you can, folks. The beards will be back this fall!